Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

We have been nurturing a transformative idea, one that we believe could redefine our approach to missions. Traditionally, missions have been viewed as a separate entity, a distinct program or application that serves a specific purpose. It is often perceived as a sideline activity, something that a select group of individuals engage in. If you have an interest in missions, you are typically directed to a dedicated committee or group. However, we believe that this perspective needs to change.

Our central proposition is that missions should not be seen as just another application or program. Instead, missions should be considered an integral part of the operating system of our spiritual lives. It is the underlying framework that supports and unifies all our spiritual activities, not a standalone module that can be isolated or ignored. As advocates, leaders, and mobilizers of missions, our primary task is to facilitate a shift in our community’s mindset. We need to move away from viewing missions as a separate program or application. Instead, we should see it as a fundamental part of the operating system that drives everything we do. This shift in perspective applies to all aspects of our spiritual lives, whether it’s children’s ministry, the worship team, outreach activities, or the missions program itself. All these elements should be fueled by, formed by, and integrated with a heart for the nations – a heart that reflects God’s love for us and our role in His grand plan.

Our role is not just about serving our nation but also about partnering with God to be a blessing to other nations. This concept is a recurring theme in our spiritual narrative, from the beginning of our faith journey to its culmination. Therefore, our ultimate goal, our grand dream, and our mandate as missions mobilizers, advocates, and leaders, is to foster a community where missions are seen not as a separate program or application, but as an integral part of the operating system that informs and influences everything we do. This is the vision we strive for, and we invite you to join us in making it a reality.

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